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Huber Achieves Major Sustainability Milestone - Martinswerk Begins Operation of New Natural Gas Power Plant

The Huber Advanced Materials (HAM) business unit of Huber Engineered Materials (HEM), which is part of the J.M. Huber Corporation portfolio of businesses, announces the start-up of a new natural gas-fired power plant on December 3 at its Martinswerk facility in Bergheim, Germany. This is a major milestone in its continuing sustainability journey.

The new power plant replaces the existing lignite power plant and is fully operational, producing 100% of the required steam (thermal energy) and electricity at Martinswerk. 

This switch from lignite to natural gas will decrease carbon dioxide emissions at Martinswerk by about 40%, resulting in an approximately 31% carbon dioxide reduction globally for HAM, a 27% reduction for Huber Engineered Materials (HEM) and an about 11% decrease at J.M. Huber Corporation globally. 

Additionally, 10,000 tons of fly ash and 7,200 trucks annually used for transporting lignite are being eliminated. The milestone aligns with Huber´s Vision 150, which outlines Huber´s aspirations, including its sustainability goals, to be attained by 2033, when Huber will celebrate its 150-year anniversary. 

Huber invested about €70 million (USD $74 million) in the natural gas-fired power plant at Martinswerk. The facility features a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) concept, in which a gas turbine and a steam turbine work together to achieve a higher level of efficiency and flexibility in serving the energy needs of the Martinswerk production facilities.

“As the largest HAM production site, Martinswerk is particularly important to our overall performance while we pursue our strategy of strengthening our base business of fire retardants and smoke suppressants and growing our comprehensive specialty products portfolio for a variety of applications. I am delighted that with the new natural gas-fired power plant we have set the course and a standard for a long and successful future for Martinswerk,” said Doug Smith, Senior VP and General Manager, HAM.

“The new power plant is the heart of Martinswerk and it produces the necessary energy for our plant. Also, it is a visible sign of how this site, with its long history, is successfully embracing the future. We are now generating the energy we need in a much more environment-friendly way, and we are already prepared for the future, as we can convert the natural gas-power plant to hydrogen”, says Martin Schulting, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, HAM, and Managing Director of Martinswerk.
HAM is excited to share that our recent investment at Martinswerk will lead to a significant reduction in the carbon dioxide footprint associated with every ton of product produced. This initiative aligns with our unwavering commitment to sustainability and our dedication to supporting our customers on their own sustainability journey. 

We are currently evaluating the specific impact of this investment on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of each product family. Once we have gathered sufficient measured data, we will provide you with detailed updates.

About Martinswerk

Founded in 1914 and part of J.M. Huber Corporation since 2016, Martinswerk is one of the leading manufacturers of halogen-free fire retardants and specialty material solutions. Martinswerk produces more than 100 specialty products based on aluminum hydroxide and aluminum oxide plus organic matting agents and carriers. Martinswerk products increase safety and performance with specialty additives for polymers, paper and coatings and advanced products for the ceramics, refractories, polishing and agricultural industries.